Marie Zamora

Social Media manager

project manager

I am passionate Social Media & Website Project Manager. With expertise in digital strategy, project coordination, and maximizing online presence, I'm dedicated to delivering measurable results. Let's collaborate for an impactful digital journey!

Aesthetic Background

As a Social Media Manager

Digital Strategy: My expertise lies in devising comprehensive digital strategies that encompass social media campaigns, website optimization, and content marketing. I thrive on leveraging data-driven insights to make informed decisions that lead to measurable results.

Adept at Maximizing Online Presence: I'm well-versed in social media platforms, content management systems, and website analytics tools. From creating compelling content to monitoring online interactions, I possess the skills needed to boost a brand's online presence.

Sample Posts

White Textile on Brown Wooden Table

I've worked with

As a seasoned project manager, I excel at orchestrating multifaceted initiatives from conception to completion. My organizational prowess and meticulous attention to detail ensure that projects stay on track, deadlines are met, and budgets are adhered to.

Results-driven: My ultimate goal is to deliver tangible outcomes for clients or businesses. I'm constantly monitoring key performance indicators and adjusting strategies to optimize conversions, increase brand awareness, and enhance user engagement.

As a Website Project Manager

Aesthetic Background

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Study 3

Website Mockup 1
Person Holding White Printer Paper

"There is no great genius without a mixture of madness."

- Aristotle

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